Elevate your spirits & bring new life to your party
Brass Ring Cocktails is an elegant solution for providing high-quality craft beverages and services to any event. With Brass Ring, you can expect a wide range of drink options to accommodate any occasion, including cocktails, beer, wine, zero-proof cocktails, and other non-alcoholic options. We take pride in using only fresh ingredients and the highest quality spirits to enhance your next social function, whether you’re hosting a wedding, a private party, or a corporate event. Let us help you perfect your special day.
Strive for the best in any occasion with one of our tailor-made hospitality services
Event Bartending
Let our hospitality professionals take your party to the next level
Cocktail Courses
Explore a new hobby and host one of our cocktail education classes
Bar Consulting
With over a decade of industry experience, let us guide you to success
Meet Shannon Michelle
Founder, Brass Ring Cocktails
Shannon Michelle began her bartending career in Jacksonville more than ten years ago. Now, with Brass Ring, she brings her skills and enthusiasm to new heights. Brass Ring is a mobile bartending service and consulting company with a polished reputation and a long history of working with top-tier bars throughout Florida. Shannon is a seasoned professional with an incredible palette and strong leadership skills, having won multiple national cocktail competitions. With Brass Ring, she can channel her creativity and passion to create a unique cocktail menu or program every time.